This is one of the most comprehensive workflow Tutorials for Landscapes in blender.  He talks about how to blend textures, use meshes instead of displacement, and using lattice for randomness.   If you watch this video 3 times, first take the info in.  Second, take notes, third, Try different parts using his Add on. (free version)

AI Music VIdeo

This was made with ai not blender. Davinic to edit. and music maker for the music.

admin Tue, 10/29/2024 - 01:49
Tie Fighter and Technouveau Art Tutorials

I made this test animation for an excellent tie fighter from Technouveau Art.   I found the engine and exhaust in blend kit, and added them to the model.  I then select a row of polys in the engine and used blendkit again using the solar sun material. 


admin Tue, 09/03/2024 - 01:11