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THe KInetic rush Pwinsher CHallenge.

I've been tinkering with the kinetic Rush Challenge,

Here is a compilation of the last challenge.

I started with one idea and then, decided to try another. 

The first idea was to do the whole thing using nothing but blender tutorial demos from blender.   I thought the school classroom we all love was a nice set,, and then bring in the udim monster as the thing the character slides under.  But i'm not sure what happened, the udim has some animation already in that, and i animated the monster swinging his arms, but for some reason in the viewer looked ok, but rendering only the teeth got animated.   I could not understand the problem,  I spent time trying to figure that problem out, rather than use rigid body simulation on the school chairs in the room.  SOmething that in of itself I needed to find how to do that.    THis was what I sussed out:


So abandoning this idea, I started with a medieval scene:  I had a triceratops that was poorly rigged, but enough to animate some simple motions.  The set I think i found from, different cool town models.  I added in flowers in the forground for a sense of speed, and weight map painted grass near some of the buildings, which i think as i moved the buildings around needs to be redone.   Now is to find a character to add in and figure out how to retarted the mocap provided to the new character.   AutoRig Pro has this funcitionality I think so i'll try that.  THis is rendered on my little msi laptop with a 1650, in eevee next, The look is much better than eevee.  Cycles still looked better, but was 4 times the render time for about 30% improvement.


I'll be updating this page until sep 1st which is the deadline for the animation.