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How to make a wireframe Texture on your Mesh

Here are 5 ways you can make a wireframe of your mesh.  I made a wireframe reveal for the logo here.


1. You can use the wireframe node material in shaders.  Use A mixrgb node and  Use an emission node to make the wireframe glow.  Turn on bloom in the Eevee settings.

He shows three methods.  One: the wireframe node, Two: He copy's the object, Uses a wireframe Modifier and Gives the wireframe object it's own material Three: Uses Nodes and bevel modifier(with specific paramators) and makes a new material. Then uses the compositor for the wireframe glow, and thickness.


He uses 2 objects and a rectangle cube and the boolean modifier.




This idea is an advanced Idea, but Cggeek shows you how to achieve this in easy steps.  Rather than use a node, he uses a weight map and an object that controls the effect.