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Pwinsher Challenges

These are all the Pwinsher challenger compilations.  

When you watch them, try to see what works and doesn't.  You can tell basically after awhile what the good ones are.


Top 100 3D Art Montage | Chasms Call

For example one of the better ones, for the people who understand these challenges, have a movement to guide the eye, and then the actual motion of the story.

It takes time for your eye to find whats relevant.

The artists have to be careful to keep non story motions consistent through out the whole shot, so there is interesting motion but your eye doesn't get called to that motion. Like the rim part, some people had minimal motions while the main interest was the center.  Others, had the main motion, and a secondary motion near the rim.  One that I thought that was ok but used light as a way to guide the eye was a man with a Pistal, and the ground was light and you could clearly see the out line of the gun after you saw two people walking into a lair?  l

If a motion happens in the middle of the screen, like in the fish one, where you saw the glowing angler, you know where to look, then you see the big fish, and then you see the bait, story completed. You know why the fish appeared.  Or you see the bait before. So you complete the story in your head. That one was very good. One that was also good, was the mech that had the arm blown off, and the 2 characters embracing on the gantry.  Both sections had important info to tell a back story.  (He got back from a mission alive to a lady in waiting.) Any of these that completes a little story are good.  The ones that do it where there is no doubt in your mind are excellent.  In a static Shot look no further than Norman Rockwell, he includes all the elements of a story in the image for you to come to a conclusion of what the image communicated to the viewer.  This is no different but time adds a wrinkle in that formula.  Adding elements over time, in one section where you focus has to have all the elements for a clear idea.  You can decide what element is missing, and add that in a different time in the scene to help people get your idea. This can build anticipation.  Some of the better ones do this.  The fish one with the glowing angler did this superbly.  The lady looking over her kingdom being invaded, her animated reaction completed her plight and who she was. So mission accomplished of using the top part and the rim part to tell the story.

You will be able to see that controlling where your eye looks seems to be the most important trait.  Various artists, use Color, Brightness, Motion, Level of detail, (sparce or extremely detailed) To make your eye focus on the important parts.   When you watch these video's Try to remember these details, and you can see why some were top 100.  If you try to do one of these challenges, start by watching these videos to storyboard your ideas.  Use what you learn to tell a short story by making the eye look, and then follow through with the action.


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