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How to Rig a Dinosaur

Good reference of dinosaurs running.

Nice walk and roar, if you rig your lizard well, you can do this type of animation.



Models and rigs a small lo poly dragon in 10 minutes.  Then sets a pose.


He shows how he adds a rig, and then moves the bones into position, uses the Generate Rig under armature, and tells you why he did certain things.   Very informative. 


Great rigging tutorial, He plans his rigging strategy, places bones, adds the rig, fixes problems with different bones affecting the wrong vertex group. (The tongue and teeth (very helpful) ) Then he uses the rig to pose the animal.


I wasn't sure whether to put this in the beginner or advanced.  This is the best Tutorial for rigging a Dinosaur by Critical Giants.  Step by step instructions that are clear and concise.  He takes a t rex like object and adds bones and his workflow for rigging such a creature.  Best tip was how to have the weight shading and bones displayed together so you can see what bone affects what weight shade or what part of the dinosaur you want affected.   I really like Critical Giant tutorials.


This is a great way to add secondary motions to a dinosaur.


I like this guys rig.  It's not rigify, and you can buy this for 40$ on blendermarket.  Doesn't show how to rig, but gives you an idea of what to after you have a rigged Dinosaur.  I'm not sure how he gets his secondary motion for the skin jiggling.