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Sculpting in blender is like zbrush.  People have sculpted fantastic things in Blender.



He Goes over the tools in the blender sculpting tab

He has some great tips on how to use the brush, how to lock the brush for things like buttons and random setting.


Grant talks about how to make your own brushes and how to fix some issues with low bit images.


She talks about making a base mesh, and then starts to sculpt on top of that.



In this tutorial he shows you how to make a brush so you can use that to sculpt details into your objects.

Here he makes more ornate objects for your brushs.  I like watching him use the bevel tool.  Just great stuff.


Sculpting with a texture.  He shows how to make a goblet, and then uses sculpting for the texture relief. The greatest thing about this tutorial is that he hides the geometry that he's not working on, allowing him to texture sections at a time easily.

Here he makes a more elaborate vase thing using the same techniques.  He uses curves to make his object and details, and array modifiers.


Great technique, adds detail to a curved surface pretty easily.


I like her thinking on the process of sculpting a character. He commentary shows some of the thought behind why she does certain things and the choices has to make as a sculpter.



This was done in an older version of blender, but a lot of the sculpting ideas he has are good.

This page has more ideas on sculpting Characters CLick Here