Here are some links to some free music and sound you can use for your animations.
Free music for your animations. - Free Public Domain Music Creative Commons 0 Completely Royalty Free
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Quickly add details and atmosphere with photoshop
This person describes the whole process he did to make a fantasy landscape. He blocked out the shapes for his idea, and then added some elements like a picture of a hiker, some landscapes, and textures them, and then lights, and adjusted his camera. He then goes over all the steps he did in photoshop which were straight forward. I'm sure you could use gimp or something like that also. Overall a very nice tutorial. The addition of photoshop really makes the image much nicer.
When you start a project, always get reference first. This will guide you through the process. You can go back to an image and ask yourself how do I make that, or I like this style, or that looks a certain way. Without reference your guessing. Don't. Real world video, real world items are used as reference to go beyond and make imaginary seem Real. How does granite or marble look like in real life? How does a fruit look? Use google images, or bing, or youtube. Some images can inspire also.
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Plugin Camera Shakify
Where to get the Camera Shakify Addon
You can get the Camera Shakify add-on on Github . Click the green button, and click download zip. It is always good to check if there are newer versions and to read instructions.
This camera lets you get that Ian Hubart sytyle camera shaking easily. I've tried to replicate his style by using the graph editor and using the noise modifer, but with out much success. But this plugin really helped.
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Hi, I entered the abandoned space station challenge on and this is my entry.
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